What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the strategic placement of fine, stainless steel needles into specific acupuncture points on the body, along meridians, to promote healing and blood flow throughout the body. Acupuncture is over 3,000 years old and has been used to treat a variety of conditions including pain, anxiety, insomnia, depression, fertility, gastro-intestinal issues and much more..
are the needles one time use?
does my insurance cover acupuncture?
Click our INSURANCE VERIFICATION LINK on the "SERVICES" page. TEXT us or inquire at first visit if you have coverage!
Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture rarely 'hurts'. The most that people experience is a dull ache around the base of the inserted needle, or a slight tingling feeling when the needle is inserted. Points at the extremities, like toe or finger ends, can sometimes be a little sharp, but the sensation is usually brief.
how many treatments will i need?
Number of sessions needed depends on the condition and whether or not its acute or chronic, this will be assessed during initial session.